Monday, September 15, 2008

My Day Book

I am wearing faded and torn blue jeans with a cotton top. This is always my uniform of the day and when required to do something outside the norm, I never seem to know what to wear. As a middle aged mom, you wouldn't think this would be difficult or so frustrating.

I am reading a book about child abuse. Despite the fact that I have first hand knowledge because of my childhood, I really don't understand. Maybe reading the experiences of other validates my own...I really don't know.

I am hearing my youngest daughter get ready for her 2 late classes at the local college. We are so fortunate that it's just across the street.

I am learning to let go. Two semi-adult daughters. It's not easy.

I am hoping the heat will soon end. I really dislike the summers here in South Texas and threaten to move to Montana every year.

From the kitchen the chicken is thawing out for dinner. I could eat chicken every night as I really dislike red meat. Seriously, I can fix it 500 different ways!

I am creating a safe place.

Around the house every nook and cranny is screaming for a good cleaning. I no longer have the time to do a deep cleaning. So many other more important things to do.

Outside my window everything is drying up. We so desperately need a good rain. Watering a couple of acres is out of the question here.

I'm thinking about the whole election/candidate issues. Why is it so hard to have candidates that people can agree on?

My favorite thing is having everyone around the kitchen table enjoying dinner and sharing, laughing or even complaining about their day. As the girls grow up, this is getting harder and harder. Though our table keeps expanding with their girlfriends and boyfriends.

My plan for next week is more of the same. Why would I want to change anything?

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