Friday, September 2, 2011

Yearly Update

It's only been a year since my last post and I'm quite sure there should be plenty to write about, but alas, no. Same shit, different year. Regardless, here we go:

My Day Book

I am wearing: Jeans and a button down black shirt. I am so anxious for fall/winter to arrive, I have elected to start wearing black when I can. This summer has been particularly bad. No rain coupled with 60 days of triple digit temps. Recently, it was as hot as 110 degrees and I almost packed my shit up.

I am reading: Nothing really. The last book I read was around Christmas - The Help. Such a great book and just recently the movie was released, which was terrific. Fabulous really.

I am hearing: This terrible ringing in my ears, even with the TV on. I think I got overheated this morning while watering. It was 9:00 a.m. and seriously it was already too hot for me.

I am learning: To let go. McKenna will be 22 on Monday. She likes to go "out" with her friends. This has not been easy for me, but I think I'm getting better. I'm always asking gramma to watch over her and protect her. So far, so good.

I hope: I can retire soon. I'm tired. I hate what I do. It's time to move on! The idea of spending the one life I have doing something I can barely tolerate is crazy to me. Perhaps I will change religions. Buddists believe in reincarnation, so let's do that. In my next life, I will live in Montana and be a librarian.

In the kitchen: It was actually remodeled. Thank goodness. Although things that Dan was supposed to take care of, still remain undone. I hate some of the cabinets, but Dan REALLY wanted them. I just don't understand why.

Around the house: Things could use a good scrubbing. I don't really get any help, so maybe it's time to hire this out. thinks are a little more interes

Out my window: Things are completely dried up; except what I've been watering DAILY! Back in March, Dan and I put down some Zoysia which is supposed to be drought tolerant grass. NOT. Still, it's so nice to see green grass. For so many years, we looked at dirt, but perhaps we could have picked a different year....

Plans for the weekend: As previously mentioned, it's McKenna's birthday, so Dan and I will do some shopping on Sunday. I usually do this myself, but I spend so much time doing things by myself, so I am going to drag him with me.